Offer Submission | Manufacturer Programs/Offers Menu

Offer Submission | Manufacturer Programs/Offers Menu

You must have access to the portal in order to submit an Offer program. Please contact us if you need a login:

1. Go to My Programs.

2. Select Offer Program Builder. 

3. Select Build New Offer

4. This will bring you to the Offer Build page. Enter in the title of the Offer. 128 characters max. 
Format is: "Company Name | Quick Description" 

5. Enter the Description for the Offer. More Information about the Offer. 300 characters max. 

6. Enter in a marketing message for consumer. 200 characters max. 

7. Choose your Start and End Date. 

8. Select the type of Offer. Free Good or Rebate(Dollars Off) deal. 

9. If you chose 'Free Good' then you will need to select the limit. Unlimited or a specific amount. 

If you chose 'Rebate' enter in the total dollar amount of Rebates allowed for this Offer. Leave Blank for Unlimited amount. 

10. Offer Category is what the Offer is targeted for. If the Offer targets multiple categories select Other. 

11. Select 'Yes' if this Offer limits the number of rebates or free goods a customer can have. Select 'No' if this Offer will have no limits. 

If you selected 'Yes', then you will need to enter in the total limit for the number of rebates or free goods the customer can have. 

12. Please enter in the URL of your Company website or specific URL for the Product(s) in this Offer. 

13. Will the products in this Offer be direct fulfilled by the Manufacturer? Select Yes or No. 

14. Will the products in this Offer be fulfilled by participating Distributors? Select Yes or No. 

15. Will the customer's email be required to participate in this Offer? Select Yes or No. 

16. Will this Offer be available to all United States Retailers and Consumers?
Select 'Not Available' if this Offer is not available to any US Retailers. 

17. Will this Offer be available to all Canadian Retailers and Consumers?
Select 'Not Available' if this Offer is not available to any Canada Retailers. 

18. Select the Products that will be used for this Offer. 

Check the box for the items that qualify. For Rebates: Enter in the rebate value next to the items if they have varying values. If they are all the same value, you can enter the amount and select "Apply to All Checked"

For Free Goods: Select the items that qualify and the free item that the customer can redeem for. 

Once the items are selected, select 'Save Products'. If you do not see the items you are looking for in our database, you can select 'Don't See Your Products?' button at the top. 

19. Select the Distributors for this Offer. 

Check all that apply then Save Distributors. 

20. Upload your own image or choose to have Astro create an image for you. 

21. Check to make sure everything is entered in one this page. 

If everything looks correct, select Save and Publish Offer.

Once saved, you will see your Offer on the builder page. You will see that the status will be under Astro Review and our team will take the next steps!

How to Resubmit Declined Offer:

1. When you log into Astro, go to My Programs. 

2. Select Offer Program Builder. 

3. If your Offer was declined, it will state under the Status column. Click the Eye Icon next to your Offer. 

4. You can now make edits to this Offer. Once you have made the adjustments, you can resubmit the Offer by clicking "Save and Re-Publish Offer."

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