Manufacturer Voucher Program | Manufacturer Programs/Offers Menu

Manufacturer Voucher Program | Manufacturer Programs/Offers Menu

How to Issue Vouchers to Retailers:

1. Our team will create the Voucher program for you. If you would like to set up a Voucher program, please contact us at:

2. Once the program is made available to the retailer, they will need to enroll in the program in order for you to see them on the Voucher Dashboard. 

3. Once the retailer(s) have enrolled, As an Admin user, go to your My Programs menu. 

4. Select the title of your Voucher program. You can use the filter option to narrow down your program view to only Voucher programs. 

5. On the program description page, select Voucher Dashboard under Actions

6. You will see the retailers who have enrolled in the program on the list.  Click on Add Retail Voucher button. 

7. You can add classification types to filter retailers.

8. Select the retailer(s) you want to issue the Vouchers to. 

9. Enter in the amount of vouchers you want to issue to the retailer(s). 

10. Select the Date the Vouchers will expire by. 

11. The Voucher will then be available in the Retailers account to redeem. You'll be able to see the Total Voucher amount, how many were Redeemed, how many have Expired, and the current Pending that have not been redeemed yet on the Voucher Dashboard for the retailers enrolled. 

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