Private Program Publication Option | Enrollment Pending Approval | Manufacturer Programs/Offers Menu

Private Program Publication Option | Enrollment Pending Approval | Manufacturer Programs/Offers Menu

Enrollments Pending Manufacturer Approval

Retailers are able to see the program listed under their Available Astro Frequent Buyer list. They will be able to apply to enroll in the program. When they do so, they will be able to select the distributor they wish to report their redemptions to. Then once the retailer commits to the enrollment an email will automatically be sent to any brand representative/s of your choice. This email will contain the Name of the Program, the specific Store Name, the Address of the Retailer, and the Name of the Distributor they chose. The retailer will see their enrollment status as Pending. until one of your chosen representatives can log into your Astro Program Portal and decide whether to select Approve or Deny for their enrollment. 

Benefits of a Pending Enrollment Program

When you publish your program you can choose to release it to All Astro Retailers in the USA, All Astro Retailers in Canada, or All Astro Retailers in specific States or Provinces.
  1. Retailers will be able to see that you offer a program and they can apply to enroll. 
  2. If you have certain requirements that they need to meet in order to have a loyalty program, the act of them submitting an enrollment to you will alert you to their interest and then this discussion can take place. 
  3. If a Retailer is Denied Enrollment then their denial is saved below the Pending List. then if they are able to meet your requirements they can be easily Approved from there.
  4. Once a Retailer is Approved they are granted immediate access to your program and can start using it at their store. 
  5. If a Retailer is Denied their enrollment will show it has been denied and they will not be able to use the program or attempt to enroll again. 
  6. You can grant as many of your representatives access to the Pending Enrollment Grid, which is located on your Astro Program Portal. You can also choose multiple representatives or staff to receive the emails alerting them that an enrollment application was made. 
  7. The enrollment application emails contain all the info you need in order to either approve the Retailer immediately or reach out to them to discuss program requirements. 

How a Pending Enrollment Program Functions

Let's start with the Retailer's perspective when they first apply to enroll in the program. 

What Happens When a Retailer Attempts to Enroll in the Program

The Retailer will see the program listed under Available Astro Frequent Buyer. The Program's Description will include the statement, "Enrollments are Pending until they can be reviewed by _______." 

When the Retail clicks the Enroll button below the program they will see a similar pop-up as the one below. At the top (see red box) there will be another explanation of how the pending enrollment process functions. 

At the bottom section of the pop-up there is a drop-down menu (orange arrow) where they can select their Distributor (only the ones you designate who are available in their region will be listed as options) and in the text box (blue arrow) where they can add their Distributor Assigned Account Number (if one exists). 

When the Retailer selects I Agree two things will happen. 
1. ) The Program will move from their Available List of Programs to their Enrolled List of Programs. The Enrolled List shows both Active enrollments and Pending enrollments. Any enrollments that are still Pending will say so below them. 

2. ) An Email will automatically be sent to your representative/s who have been added to your program as those who should be notified of enrollments. This can be one person or several. For instance, you can choose one person, and then that one person can notify the reps in the different regions when a Pending Enrollment comes through. 

The notification email will include the name of the program, the Name of the Retailer, the Address of the Retailer, and the Distributor they chose to enroll with. 

How to Approve or Deny a Retailer's Pending Enrollment

You are more than welcome to review Pending Enrollments after each email is received, or you can choose to check the Pending Enrollments on your Program Portal on select days of the week or month and review them collectively.
To review a Pending Enrollment login to your Astro Program Portal by going to and entering the Username and Password that we have assigned to you. 

Then go to the Programs/Offers menu and select Pending Enrollments from the drop-down.

Now you will see all the Retailers with Pending Enrollments listed. You will see the Name of the Retailer and the City/State in which they are located. Beside that will be the Name and Email Address belonging to the Owner/Manager/Employee who enrolled their store in the Program. You will also see the Name of the Program itself.  And finally, beside each Pending Enrollment there will be two buttons, Approve and Deny

Selecting DENY

If you deny a Retailer's enrollment three things happen immediately. 
1. ) The Retailer is sent an email notifying them that their enrollment was denied. It will not say who specifically denied them, only that they were denied by the brand manufacturer. 

2. ) On the Retailer's Astro Account it will show that the enrollment was Denied. They will not be able to use the program. They also will not be able to Un-enroll and try Enrolling again. Their Enrollment will remain Denied unless it is one day approved.
3. ) On your Astro Program Portal, the Retailer is removed from the Pending Enrollments list up top and added to the Denied Enrollments list at the bottom of the Pending Enrollments section of your Astro Program Portal. 

 Notice that there is still an Approve button beside their denied enrollment, so if something changes down the line you can Approve them easily and quickly.

Selecting APPROVE

Whether you select Approve for a Pending or Denied Enrollment the results will be the same. Three things will happen right away.
1. ) The Retailer will receive an Email letting them know their enrollment was approved and that they can start using it at their store.

2. ) On the Retailer's Astro Account the Program will show an Active Enrollment. In other words, it looks like every other enrolled program on their list and they can start using it right away.

3. ) On your Astro Program Portal you will no longer see the enrollment listed under Pending or Denied. Instead, it will now show up under your Reports menu, within Retailer Frequent Buyer Enrollments
Retailer Frequent Buyer Enrollments Article Coming Soon

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