1. Go to Utilities.
2. Select My Retailer Classifications.
3. Select My Classifications.
4. Click on New Classification
5. Enter in a classification name and number. Classification Order is ordered by largest number first to lower number last in the drop down filter menu. Save Classification when done.
6. This will take you back to My Classifications and you will see a list of the classifications you entered in.
You can edit a classification by clicking on the pencil icon under Actions.
7. Now you can go back to Retailer Classifications to add these to specific retailers by selecting the Pencil icon under Actions.
8. Select the classification(s) you would like to label this retailer under and save.
9. Now you will see that the classification has changed to what you selected for that retailer(s). The filter at the top will also have options to narrow down your view by selecting one of your classification options to only see those retailers with that label.