My Image Assets | Uploading Images to the Astro Marketing Suite | Manufacturer Utlities Menu

My Image Assets | Uploading Images to the Astro Marketing Suite | Manufacturer Utlities Menu

What are My Image Assets?

As an Astro Loyalty Partner you have full access to My Image Assets. This section of your Program Portal allows you to upload images directly to the Astro Marketing Suite's Brand Media section of the Image Library . Astro Retailers subscribed to the Suite can then access those images and use them to promote your products to their customers. 

My Image Assets is located under the Utilities menu of your Program Portal. 

From there you will have access to the categories within the Brand Media Library.

The means by which you categorize your images (Logo, Program, Printable, Social) will convey your intended use of that image to Astro Retailers. Retailers do have some flexibility on how these use these images. 

Basic Use Guidelines

  1. PNG files are preferable. JPEG and JFIF files are also acceptable. Logos should have transparent backgrounds.
  2. Images under 4 MG can be posted by a retailer to their Social Media regardless of what category an image is uploaded to. This means Logos, Program Images, Social Media Images, and even in some cases Printable Signage, can be shared via Astro Social. 
  3. Images over 4 MG can only be used as Printed Media.
  4. Images Optimized for Social Media must be at or over 800 pixels wide. Any image over 800 pixels wide and under 4 MB will get a Thumbs Up icon above it telling retailers it is suited for social posting.
  5. Program Images should be square. Ideally 800 x 800 pixels so they will also be optimized for social media.
  6. Images can be associated with a specific program or programs - Frequent Buyer, Offers, and Sharing the Love. This controls how an image is published to retailers. Only retailers enrolled in a particular program will be able to see the images that you have associated with that program.
  7. Image Associations can be edited by clicking on the Image then checking or unchecking the Program boxes. You can only associate images with Live/Active Programs.
  8. Images can be removed from My Assets by clicking on the image then selecting Remove Image
  9. The category you choose to add an image to (Logo, Program, Signage, Social) will convey to the retailer its intended usage.
  10. Ideally, all images that you upload should be at least 800 pixels wide which will allow for the most usage versatility for retailers.


There is only one logo directly associated with your Program Portal. This is the logo that will appear on all Programs and Program Cards. Astro Team Members are the only ones who can change/adjust this logo for you. Please contact us via and send us your preferred logo as a high quality PNG file with a transparent background (unless the background is a part of your logo). 

My Image Asset Logos allows you to add additional versions of your logo to your portal for Astro Retailers to use on their marketing campaigns. If you have more than one brand within your product lines you can add those sub-brand logos here. 

Within Logos there are two resolution types: High Resolution and Low Resolution. 

Logos - High Resolution

Astro Retailers do not have access to these at this point in time. We are prepping for a time where retailers will be able to use high resolution images in order to create their own shelf talkers and printable signage. Once this is available we will notify our Astro Brand Partners. 

These images must be over 800 pixels wide in order to be considered high resolution.

Logos - Low Resolution

These images are accessible to Astro Retailers and will show up under the Brand Media Library. Retailers can then add these images to their digital campaigns.
There is a size cap for uploading a low resolution image that is based on the width dimension.
  1. Max Width is 800 pixels.
  2. PNG file preferred with a transparent background.

Program Images

Your Frequent Buyer, Offers, Sharing the Love, and Coupons all have default images that have been added directly to the programs. These are the images that will automatically show up with the program when viewed by either an Astro Retailer or a Pet Owner. If you wish to change or adjust the Default Program Image please contact us via and include your preferred image. 

My Image Assets Program Images gives you the means to add alternative Program Images and additional Product Images to the Brand Media Library that Astro Retailers can then use in their digital campaigns. 

These images can be associated with specific a specific Program or Programs, and only retailers enrolled in those selected programs will be able to view that associated image.

Images can be Published by associating them with a program. They can be removed by clicking on them and selecting Remove Asset.

All Program Images have specific size requirements whether they are default images or alternative images.
  1. Must be 800 x 800 pixels.
  2. PNG files are preferred. JPEG and JFIF are acceptable. No PDFs. 

Program Images are divided into High Resolution and Low Resolution. 

Program Images - High Resolution

Retailers do not have access to this images yet, but you can still upload images here. Eventually these images will be used to create printable media such as shelf talkers and signage.

These images must be over 800 pixels wide in order to be considered High Resolution.

Program Images - Low Resolution

Astro Retailers are able to access these images from their Brand Media Library while generating their digital campaigns.

Technically you can upload any dimension of image here as long as it is equal to, or under, 800 pixels wide. But if you want retailers to be able to use them as alternative images for your programs they should be square. And if you want retailers to be able to share these images as social media posts they should be 800x800 pixels. 

Printable Signage and Shelf Talkers - High Resolution

These are all high resolution images that Astro Retailers can access from the Brand Media Library. Retailers can download these images and then print them themselves, or send them off to a professional printer, in order to create materials they can then hang up in their store beside your products. 

Dimensions for these images are up to you, they just must be at or above 800 pixels wide. 

These images can be associated directly with a single Program or multiple Programs. Only retailers enrolled in those programs will be able to view these images. 

Retailer View of Printable Brand Media

NOTE: Technically, if one of your printable images is below 4 MB retailers will also be given the option to share it on their social media. In the image above you can see that 2 of the images have Social Media (Facebook & Instagram) icons above them. Retailers can click on these icons in order to post them to their business pages. The Thumbs Up icon informs them that the image is over 800 pixels wide, meaning it is Optimized for Social Media.

Social Media Images - High Resolution

These images are intended for use in Social Media Campaigns. Astro Retailers can post them directly to their Facebook or Instagram Business pages without having to leave the sanctity (😸) of Astro. 

The method by which you categorize images within this category will help retailers choose the optimum image to post to a particular social page. 

NOTE: The only enforced dimension Astro will impose on you is the one associated with High Resolution images - over 800 pixels wide. It will be up to you to create social images that are best suited for either Facebook or Instagram campaigns. 

Retailer view of Brand Social Media


Square is best. Ideal dimensions for Instagram are 1080 x 1080 pixels


Ideal dimensions for Facebook are 1200 x 628 pixels. This size also works best if the retailer plans on adding this image to a Template Campaign then posts that Campaign to their Facebook timeline. 

You are able to upload other dimension variations, which will work if the image is posted via Astro Social. As long as the image is over 800 pixels in width.

Uploading an Image

The uploading screen can be accessed by clicking any of the sub-sections of My Image Assets. 
  1. Click on the section you wish to add an image to - Logos - Low Resolution, Program Image - Low Resolution, Printable Signage and Shelf Talkers - High Resolution, Social Media - High Resolution.
  2. This will take you to a page that shows the images that are currently housed in that section.
  3. Click the red Add New Image Button.
  4. Enter an Image Title in the field provided. Retailers will see the name given when they mouse over the image in the Library. (This is optional.)
  5. Make sure the correct category is selected from the Type drop-down. (Depending on where you clicked for Step 1 this should already be done.)
  6. Make sure the correct Resolution is selected from the Resolution drop-down. Social Media and Printable Signage must be High Resolution. Logos and Program Images currently can only be Low Resolution. (Depending on where you clicked for Step 1 this should already be done.)
  7. Click the Choose File button to upload the image from your saved files. If the image you choose does not fit the enforced HiRes or LowRes requirements you will get an error.
  8. Click Upload.
  9. On this page you can choose the programs you wish to associate the image with. This will control how the image is published to Astro Retailers. Check the boxes beside the programs that you want the image to be matched with. Options include Frequent Buyer, Offers, and Adoption Programs. You can select more than one if applicable.
  10. Click Save & Publish to finish.

After the image has been published to My Image Assets a preview of the image, along with its Title, Dimension details, and Type, will be listed under the section it was added to. 

Any image can be clicked upon later in order to adjust its publication (add or remove program associations) or the image can be removed entirely.

If no program associations are checked the image will be visible to any retailer enrolled in any of your programs. We recommend associating images so retailers are always viewing images that are relevant to their store's participation in your programs.