Introduction to Your Astro MFG Program Portal | My Products & My Programs

Introduction to Your Astro MFG Program Portal | My Products & My Programs

If your company has signed a contract with Astro Loyalty then you are permitted access to your companies MFG Program Portal. Depending on how many brands your company produces you may have anywhere from one portal to several. We like to make a new portal for each branded item so that we are able to associate that brand's logo with their program cards. The only exception for this rule is if you want your customers to be able to rotate between the different brands that your company produces on the same frequent buyer card. If that ends up being the case we will try our best to use a logo on the portal that best represents your entire line of products. Each MFG Program Portal will require a different username/email address that you will use as a login. At this time we are unable to give you the same username for all of your company's program portals. In order to get access to these portals we will need to make you a Username and a Password. If you do not have one yet please reach out to us at to request one be sent to you.

At First Glance

To access your portal you must first go to and select Login from the header menu. Then enter your assigned username and password. Unless you have multiple program portals your username will most likely be your work email address. 

Once you have logged into the portal it will look like this:
Landing Screen for a MFG Program Portal

At the top of your screen you will see several drop-down menus - Programs / Offers - Reports - Options. Below you will see Show Me links that can take you to either My Products or My Programs. These links will take you to the same places as the menu options below Programs / Offers

My Products

The first menu option below Programs/Offers - My Products - will take you to a screen that will look similar to this:
My Products - Database
One thing to keep in mind is that just because an item is included in the My Products database doesn't necessarily mean that the item is included in a program or Offer. I like to add all items to the My Products database so they are ready to go if they need to be added to a program or Offer.
You will not be able to add any items to this database as of yet, but you will be able to get a good idea as to how we like to label items in our programs. We try to make the item description as descriptive as possible for those retailers who do not have scanners and are having to select an item manually from a drop-down menu in order to add it to a program card.

My Programs

The second menu item below the Programs/Offers menu will take you to your Program list. 
My Official Programs - Frequent Buyer & Offers
On your list of programs you will see your Official Astro Frequent Buyer program as well as any Official Offers that are currently published to our retailers. You are welcome to click on the blue description to explore the program in greater detail.

This will open up and expose the full details of the program.
At the top of your screen you will see the Program Title and Description, the Promotional Image and Brand Logo associated with the program. The image will usually appear partially cut off in this view, but the retailer will see the full image of the program when they enroll in it, and their customers will see the full image if the retailers use the My Astro Webpage, the Astro Kiosk, or the Astro Customer Mobile App to showcase their programs to their customers. The Logo will appear on all digital frequent buyer cards to both the retailer while they are checking out a customer and to a customer while they are viewing their cards on the Mobile App.

Under General you will see the Program Description mentioned again then the dates the program will be Available. If the expiration is showing a date far into the future (ex. 2025, then there is no true expiration). The Fulfillment will be Distributor Fulfilled.

Then you will see the Terms & Conditions. If there are no terms and conditions specified while we were building the program for your company we will use our standard terms & conditions.

Under Sub Programs & Cards you will see all the categorized program cards listed along with their "expiration" dates. Each subprogram card will have it's own Program Title. This title will show in a collection of words what qualifying items that subprogram contains and what the purchase requirement is. In the example above we have a program that categorizes according to Species (Dog/Cat) and Food Type (Kibble/Raw) and Size (S/L) and the program is Buy 12 Get 1 Free. Anytime there is a Size category on a subprogram card we will also include the weight range of items that size grouping includes.

If you want to see all details pertaining to each Subprogram you can click on the date to the right of each card title. This will open up a pop-up like the one shown below.
Subprogram Information
Here you will see the individual subprogram title and description, available dates, the max customer eligibility (if this were an Astro Offer you may see a limit per household mentioned here), max program eligibility (if this were an Astro Offer you may see a cap of how many of these would be able to be redeemed over-all) and the Program Cost per Redemption (we use a different method to track cost per redemption now which is based on the Size of items included on the program card - Small - Medium - Large - XL - the exact cost will be explained in the specifics of your contract with Astro)

Beside all this will be the specific terms & conditions of the subprogram (if they are the same as the master program this will be blank) and the Thank You Email Text (this is a new feature that we will be adding soon)

Then finally, at the far right under Products, there will be the Buy X Get Y Free for that program card with the Required Products that are permitted on that card.