Frequent Buyer Dashboard | Astro Analytics | Astro Manufacturer Account

Frequent Buyer Dashboard | Astro Analytics | Astro Manufacturer Account

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This in depth report will give you a deep understanding of how your frequent buyer programs are performing. We display data by both program and store. Frequent buyer cards have been separated into 3 main categories: abandoned, in progress, and redeemed. A card is considered abandoned if the card’s customer has not made a purchase on that card in 60 days. This specific amount of days can be adjusted in a filter at the top right of the dashboard. If a card does not meet the abandonment requirement and has not been redeemed it will be placed in the “In Progress” category.

Here are definitions of headers you will see in Astro Analytics reports: 




All purchases + redemptions

Total Transaction Value

Item MSRP * Purchase Quantity OR Item MSRP * Rebate Quantity

Total Cost

Cost of Reward + Rebate Amount + Astro Redemption Fee

Total Net

Total Transaction Value - Total Cost

Total ROI

Total Net / Total Cost

New Customers

Customers making a purchase for the first time

New Customer Total Value

Quantity Purchased * Item MSRP for new customers

New Customer Long Term ROI

(New Customers Total Value - Total Cost) / Total Cost

New Retailer

When a retailer makes their first Astro transaction within your brand 


The suggested retailer market price of an item

Purchase Qty

Quantity of items purchased (not rebate/reward)

Purchase MSRP Total

Item MSRP * Purchase Qty

Rebate Amount

amount of offer rebate $ given away

Rebate Quantity

quantity of offers given away

Reward Quantity

quantity of FB Redemptions and offer free goods given away

Cost of Rewards

Reward Quantity * Item MSRP 

(The total $ amount of free goods given away)

New Customer Spend

Total Transaction Value for new customers

Frequent Buyer Abandonment

If a customer does not make a purchase on their frequent buyer card in x amount of days, the card will be considered abandoned.

1. Once your Manufacturer Astro account, go to Reports. 

2. Select Astro Analytics on the top drop-down menu. (You will need access to Tableau in order to see this option)

3.  Select Astro Frequent Buyer Dashboard

4. Once you open a report you will see a dashboard with many drop down menus at the top. These can be used to filter the data:

5. The second tab “Card Completion” will give you an even deeper look into your customer’s frequency buyer cards. You will be able to see specifically how far most of your customers are into their frequent buyer cards along with how much each customer is worth to you based on how far they are into their frequent buyer cards.

You can adjust the first “Required Punches” to filter the amount of punches your programs require before a redemption can be made. The second filter “Market Total Required Punches” will only adjust the required punches for the market total table on the right hand side. This market total table will allow you to see how your programs perform compared to the rest of the Astro universe. Keep in mind a card will be considered “New” if it is a customer’s first frequent buyer card within your brand, and will be “Returning” otherwise.

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