Distributor Free Goods Batches | Manufacturer Reports Menu

Distributor Free Goods Batches | Manufacturer Reports Menu

1. Go to Reports. 

2. Select Distributor Free Goods Batches. 

3. This is where you can follow along with the reporting and crediting process. NEW REWARDS will show you all redemptions that have been recently reported to your distributor partners but have not yet been batched into reports. You can click on the Distributor's name. 

This will show you information contained in that batch. You can click on New Rewards. 

This will then show you the Program, Item Code, and Item Description on this page. You can export this batch. 
4. PENDING FULFILLMENT will show all free goods that have been batched into reports by the distributors and are currently being reviewed but have not yet been credited.

5. FULFILLED will show all free goods that have been marked as fulfilled by the distributors and therefore credits have been issued to the retailers. 

You can click on the distributor's name to see the batches. You can also create a credit batch on this page. 

6. GROUPED FOR MFG CREDIT will show the batches that have been rolled up by the distributors in order to create one monthly report to send to the vendor for their reimbursement (most of our distributors do not use this roll up feature so you may not see any activity here).

You can click on the distributor's name to view the batches. 

7. MFG CREDIT PAID eventually you will have the opportunity to use this section to mark the batch reports that you have credited back to the distributor. 

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